Local Mums recommend the best theatre arts schools in our area

"I highly recommend Stagecoach Epsom to all Local Mums. My daughter has been attending Stagecoach Epsom for a year now and her confidence and personality shine! The teachers are fantastic and work so hard and the shows are amazing. Our little girls just love all the singing, dancing, acting and fun games.”
Toni Baxter, Local Mum

Stagecoach Epsom
A very warm welcome to Stagecoach Epsom, where we provide quality part-time training in the performing arts for children aged 4-19 yers. Our aim is to nurture and develop young potential through singing, acting and dance classes in Epsom, stretching young imaginations and building confidence.
New! For Summer term Early Stage class 4.15pm - 5.45pm at The Beacon School, Banstead, on Wednesdays for 4-6 years olds. Our main school also runs at The Beacon School on Wednesday 4.30-7.30 for 6-19 year olds.

Rachel Crouch
Stagecoach Epsom
Tel: 01372 730363
Email: Epsom@stagecoach.co.uk